onsdag 27 januari 2010

State of the Union

Ikväll höll Barack Obama sitt första tal till nationen - State of the Union. Jag hade kvällskurs så jag hann inte se det, men vet inte om jag kommer göra det ändå. Det kommer vridas och vändas på det i varenda blogg och nyhetskanal så jag känner att jag inte har något direkt att tillföra. Men min polare som han är var Baracken så vänlig att skicka ett litet mejl till mig direkt efter han pratat klart, så det kan jag dela med mig av till er.

Gustav --

I just finished delivering my first State of the Union, and I wanted to send you a quick note.

We face big and difficult challenges. Change on the scale we seek does not come easily. But I will never accept second place for the United States of America.

That is why I called for a robust jobs bill without delay. It's why I proposed a small businesses tax credit, new investments in infrastructure, and pushed for climate legislation to create a clean energy economy.

It's why we're taking on big banks, reforming Wall Street, revitalizing our education system, increasing transparency -- and finishing the job on health insurance reform.

It's why I need your help -- because I am determined to fight to defend the middle class, and special interest lobbyists will go all out to fight us.

Help me show that the American people are ready to join this fight for the middle class -- add your name to a letter to Congress today:


We have finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But we don't quit. I don't quit.

Let's seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more.

President Barack Obama


Yours Truly,


1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Keep going!